
The Subud International Cultural Association, SICA, began when a group of people working in the arts
met together in 1983 at a Subud World Congress in England. They had the wish to form a worldwide association of Subud members working in the arts and related cultural fields. Almost immediately, as a result of Bapak's guidance on the nature of culture and how it manifests in all areas of human activity, the brief of the association broadened to include all aspects of human endeavor.

Mission and Goals

SICA's central goal is to implement the cultural agenda of the World Subud Association: to facilitate the emergence of truly human culture across all forms of human endeavour.

This definition affirms the cultural components of the development process, embraces and affirms the diversity of cultural identities, and promotes international cultural cooperation. Most especially, it embraces and facilitates the mutual understanding among cultures and religions as a prerequiste for the world becoming properous and stable.

SICA Programmes

The programmes and activities of SICA are focussed within the framework of two guidelines of the World Subud Association:

1. To improve the understanding of the creative process in relation to the inner process of human beings;

2. To promote the developement of centres and houses as interface points between the Subud community and the wider world.

SICA currently focuses its Programmes and activities in these key action areas

• Education and Training
• Health and Family Care
• Human Values and Development
• Interfaith and Multiculturalism
• Music and Performing Arts
• Visual Arts, Architecture, and Design
• Writing and Film

SICA works at the join point of creativity and spirituality and serves as a connecting focus within the spiritual community of Subud to stimulate and assist cultural initiatives which arise from within the members and are consistent with its goals.

SICA Structure

The Subud International Cultural Association has been re-organized as a voting-members organization of which the governing body is the General Assembly of Members. (Voting members are the national coordinators of legally constituted national SICA organizations who formally register as members of Subud's international cultural organization. )

SICA's General Assembly of Voting Members meets annually to design and review SICA programmes and initiatives, to provide input and feeback to the WSA and the World Subud Council as it pertains to its cultural agenda, and to approve or modify appointments to SICA's Board of Directors.

The international SICA Chairperson, Board of Directors, International Programme Coordinators, and the General Assembly of Voting Members together carry out the work of SICA from world congress to world congress. The Chair also serves as the Association's Chief Executive Officer and appoints his or her own Executive Committee to facilitate the day to day work of the Association.

The Subud International Cultural Association (SICA) is a tax-deductible non profit 501 (c)3 corporation registered in the State of Virginia in the USA. SICA is an affiliate of the World Subud Association.


ABOUT SICA: An Overview

SICA Executive Committee

Bachtiar Lorot, (Spain/Uzbekistan) SICA Chair and CEO, Email: or
Andrew Bromley, (Spain) Corporate Secretary and Office Manager, Email:
Herminone Bromley, (France) Treasurer/Accountant (no email)
Liliya Rakhimova, (Uzbekistan) Assistant Secretary (same as Lorot)
Laurencio Young (Argentina) Spanish communication officer
Albert Palmeter (USA) Spanish translation for SICA coordinators Forum

SICA Board of Directors

Salamah Dick, (Indonesia) Director:
Victor Margolin, (USA) Director:
Susannah Rosenthal, (USA) Director:
Marc Vouga, (Spain) Outgoing Director:
Sahlan Momo, (Italy) Nominee for Director 2000:

Bachtiar Lorot, ex officio Director and SICA CEO
Sharif Horthy, ex officio Director and WSA Chair


The voting members of SICA are legally constituted national SICA organizations, as represented by their respective national SICA coordinators. LINK TO SICA COORDINATORS NOW

Progamme Coordinators

Melinda Wallis (USA) Education and Training: or
Lazar Lemberger (USA) Writing and Film (writers co-ordinator)

SICA iTeam

Latifah Taormina (USA) SICA Webmaster and Editor, Inspire:
Renee Goetz (Australia) SICA Virtual Gallery advisor:
Gaye Thavisin, (Australia) Assistant Editor, Inspire:
Lianne Card (USA) Contributing editor:

Leonard Dixon (USA) Subud Educators and Sicalink listservers manager:

Consultants and advisors:

Hardin Tibbs (Australia) Strategy and inter programmes linkage
Latifah Taormina (USA) Board advisor:
Katherine Carre (France) Board advisor:

Who's Who